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She Speaks Newsletter

The UUWomenspirit newsletter, “She Speaks,” is published quarterly. It is a compilation of the efforts of our members, containing original works and photos contributed by UUWomenspirit members, keeping us in touch with each other and giving everyone the opportunity to spread their creative wings. We encourage you to submit your UUWomenspirit-appropriate creative works (in 500 words or less if possible), including poetry, short stories, photographs, etc.

Submission Deadlines

Send all newsletter submissions to Newsletter Editor 

by the dates below:

Imbolc issue:  January 15th
Beltane issue:  April 15th
Lammas issue: July 15th
Samhain issue: October 15th

Past Editions


To see newsletters from earlier years please contact us directly for those archives.

Join Us

As a member of UUWomenspirit, you will be able to connect and network with other wonderful women! 

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