Gather at the Crossroads
May 15-19, 2024
...a confluence of intention and happenstance...
...where the ancient and the contemporary intertwine...
...and the path forward is ours to choose...
We have a variety of tracks and workshops. We will also have activities such as silent auction, healing circle, chapel, and tea and talk. We will also have the favorites that include cabaret, drumming and dancing, and sacred circle dancing.
Planning Committee
Event Coordinator
Lisa Sherman
Alice Carnes
Helen Rogers
Beth Flanagan
Claire Lending
Sales and Activities
Arianna Bara
Tracks & Workshops
Magi King
Offer Services
Brigid's Bazaar
Anyone attending the event may request space to sell woman-made creations or items from her woman-owned business at our Brigid’s Bazaar. Artists keep 90% of the sales and give 10% to UUWomenspirit. You will be responsible for selling your items during the scheduled times. Submit an online agreement form​.
Massage Therapy
If you are a licensed massage therapist, you may offer massage, but you will need to provide your own table and location. You can reserve a space in the sales area where women can sign up. Therapists keep 90% and give 10% to UUWomenspirit. Submit an online agreement form​.